“Kärntner Messen” is one of today’s most important hosts for trade shows, exhibitions, congresses and professional conferences in Carinthia, the hub of the Alps-Adriatic region. The expos held here are major events on the international business calendar, a focus of attention that extends far beyond Austria’s borders. This makes them an important economic window to the Alps-Adriatic region.
The Carinthia Events & Exhibition Center stages more than 100 annual events – involving anywhere from 5 to 5,000 participants. Whether seminars, dance tournaments, rock concerts, folk-music rallies, product presentations or congresses – Kärntner Messen provides the perfect framework for events of all sizes and every kind. Highly professional employees and carefully selected contract partners guarantee optimal service.
A few facts & figures: annually more than 2500 exhibitors, around 280,000 visitors, 100,000 m² of exhibition space (including 35,000 m² in halls), in the heart of the city, with almost unlimited parking opportunities.

Klagenfurter Messe Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Messeplatz 1
9021 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
T: +43 463 56800-0
F: +43 463 56800-19
E: office@kaerntnermessen.at
W: www.kaerntnermessen.at